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  • ken1772

Why use a certified MLD therapist?

LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE MASSAGE - AKA - Manual Lymphatic Drainage (for appropriately qualified Therapists).

If you have Lymphoedema, have gone through cancer treatment, have a complicated health history and/or have had elective or cosmetic surgery - ALWAYS choose your therapist from the list of therapists on the MLD UK website. You can put your postcode in and find Therapists in your local area.

Why choose an MLD UK Therapist?

* Therapists are fully qualified with an advanced, in-depth knowledge of lymphatic anatomy and the changes that happen to that anatomy following cancer and surgery (of any type).

* Therapists are qualified in at least 1 of the 4 recognised MLD schools. They have NOT just completed a short or an online course. Many have studied for years and continue developing.

* All Therapists' qualifications have been checked and verified.

* Insurances for advanced therapeutic techniques have also been checked and verified for your peace of mind.

* MLD UK Therapists are on a register of professional recognition so GPs, surgeons, and other health professionals know that they can safely refer their patients to those registered.

* You will be safe, knowing that Therapists know how to handle complicated conditions and situations, including fluid build-up post cancer treatment and post-surgical care.

* Therapists not only perform lymphatic drainage appropriately but are trained to check for any signs or problems which may be surfacing. They can also provide information on self-management and can liaise with medical professionals if there is a problem.

Why would you risk your health seeing someone who isn't registered?

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