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Scarred Leg

Restore Scar Therapy

Treating Scar Tissue with non-invasive specialist massage

Scars can cause several problems and getting treatment may also cause anguish, be assured you won't be judged, no matter where your scar is you will be treated with sensitivity and dignity.

Scars do not only cause physical differences, but can cause Fibrosis (hardening in the area) and Adhesions (tissues stick together and cause other problems) and may affect you emotionally and mentally.

The visible aspect is what you and others see, but physically, they may:


  • Affect the range of movement.

  • Cause ongoing pain and not just at the site. 

  • Cause changes in skin sensitivity.

  • Cause underlying problems


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Services Provided

At Therapy2Massage, I take a holistic, professional and personal approach to my practices. The aim is to provide focused treatments that are tailored to each individual patient.
Whilst the prices are based on times, you will not be charged more if we spend a little longer.

Whether you visit me for a one-off treatment or a longer course of action, I want you to be able to play an active role in your recovery.

As part of your treatment, I may suggest: Ultrasound, Infrared, TEN’s, EMS, Percussive Therapy, Photobiomodulation (Low-Level Laser) or  Inversion Table Therapy, etc.

These devices work in different ways to either assist in rehabilitation, recovery or pain relief.

These will all be discussed with you and as part of the treatment, I do not charge extra for using these within the session.

Please note that bookings need to be cancelled 24 hours in advance, to avoid charges.

Physical Therapy Session

Sports or General Injuries
Recovery & Rehabilitation
Sprains, Strains, Swelling, Post-op

I aim to provide you with knowledge and treatment for the injury, not only to assist at the point you need help, but also to help prevent re-occurrence. The first appointment takes the a whole session but for some followups only half a session is needed so reducing the time and cost.
Modalities include, Taping, Strapping, Infrared, Ultrasound, etc.
Injuries are treated as required, massage around the associated areas may be used but this is not a full massage, for that you would need to book a full massage.

Physical Therapist

Chronic Pain

Pain in all forms (Arthritis, MS, Fybromyalgia, etc) can be debilitating, wearing you down and making life miserable.
Due to our first-hand experience of some of these, we understand that everyone feels it differently and some people get relief from MLD Therapy , some from deeper massage and manipulation, coupled with exercises.



Swedish (A general body massage not too deep and more relaxing than sports for easing out general aches and pains)

Ayurvedic (An overall term for Head, Foot and various body massages, maybe light firm, gentle or invigorating, it is your choice)

Sports (A firm massage to give your body a workout, correcting the causes of over or incorrect workouts but also for pre-workouts. Also good for general aches and pains due to physical activity or workload)




Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapy  Lymphoedema Management, Pre & Post Op, Cosmetic or Other,


I am a Level 6 NHS qualified, Advanced Lymphoedema and Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) therapist. MLD is highly skilled form of drainage, but it is not just a massage, it is about checking and dealing with complications, educating and advising.   Why use a qualified specialist therapist?

I use two versions, one taught and used by the NHS & Macmillan Cancer and a newer method by Lymphoedema Training Academy called Fill & Flush (FG-MLD®).


MLD helps with various conditions that include fatigue and pain. Research points to the MLD as assisting in the management of various disease such as Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinsons: A research paper can be found here:

​I work with Patients who have or have had a wide range of cancers, MS and other conditions, in helping to manage the effects of their treatment or condition, this includes palliative patients.


On the cosmetic side, I have worked with a number of clients who have had Abdominoplasty, Fleur de Lis, Thigh lifts, Breast augmentation, etc.

Chronic and post-surgery treatment for oedema (swelling)/lymphoedema. If swelling is present and not reducing, there is a chance it may become lymphoedema and must be dealt with to avoid further complications.

Please note if you are looking to have any of these procedures, ensure you book your MLD sessions in advance, you may need in the region of 6 -10 sessions depending on the type of surgery and the outcome.


Some types of surgery may affect the lymph nodes, and this may need to be managed, in the case of lymphoedema, we want to get you to a point where you can self-manage and only occasionally need some extra help.

Please note: if you are seeking MLD for a medical condition you should refer to MLDUK, many people advertise MLD, but it is not the same and may be detrimental to you because of your condition.

I am a member of MLDUK, a professional body for MLD practitioners.
For more information click                             (takes you to an external site)

Skin Cancer Awarness

Masced is a program by
Aiming to teach people how to recognise sign of possible skin cancer.
As trained therapists, we may spot something that we would advise you to get checked, that is not to say it is anything bad but better to be safe than sorry.
The link will take you to a 3rd party site for further information.

If you are going through a tough time and don't know where to turn try

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